Thursday, December 10, 2009

Javascript Assignments

1. Write a program in JS to display all formatting effects.
2. Write a program in JS to concatenate two strings.
3. Write a program in JS to print all even numbers upto the inputted range using for loop.
4. Write a program in JS to demonstrate the use of Switch statement.
5. Write a program in JS to demonstrate the use of function with recursion.
6. Write a program in JS to check which mouse button was clicked.
7. Write a program in JS to demonstrate the use of alert box.
8. Write a program in JS to display the details of visitors browser.
9. Write a program in JS to print diagonal element of the 3x3 matrix.
10. Write a program in JS to check the number is prime or not upto the inputted range
11. Write a program in JS to print different message depending upon the day values of Sunday=0, Monday=1, Tuesday=2, etc
12. Write a program in JS to display array elements using for…in loop.
13. Write a program in JS to print even and odd numbers upto the inputted number using while loop.
14. Write a program in JS to calculate the factorial using function
15. Write a program in JS to calculate the years since 1970 using getTime() function.
16. Write a program in JS to displays a different alert, depending on the visitor's browser.
17. Write a program in JS to display all details about the visitors browser.
18. Write a program in JS to Scroll the window.
19. Write a program in JS to Create a pop-up menu.
20. Write a program in JS to count the number of images in a document.

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